Friday, July 31, 2020

Back to School

August starts tomorrow and most schools will be starting a new year in the next couple of weeks, crazy!  The summer break flew by.  As we all know, this school year, just like last, will be a bit different for most.  Parents like myself and school districts have been faced with the difficult decision on whether or not to send their kids to school in-person or to have them attend virtually from home.  Mary-Grace's school will have only virtual learning for the 1st nine weeks.  It won't be easy to manage but we know she'll be safest at home. 

I have a lot of conflicting feelings about how things have gone lately due to the virus.  I feel sad for Mary-Grace when I think of the additional activities she'll miss out on.  She's had a great spring and summer (mostly at home) but I'm sad that she's missed out on playing with most of her friends, attending summer camps, field trips, going to museums, etc.  Every night after she says her prayers, I ask her if she's had a good day and what her favorite part of the day was, and she almost always tells me it was a great day which is reassuring for me.  She’s having fun just playing outside, riding her bike,  and watching movies with us.   Luckily for Benny, he's at an age where he won't remember much about these crazy times and has fun doing just about anything.

Even though Mary-Grace will be attending school virtually for the first quarter, she will still use many of the items that she would need if she were attending in-person.  I'm sharing with you some of our favorite back to school items that we have that are great for both virtual and at home schooling! 

I've been eyeing this Plaid Dress for Mary-Grace for the fall.  It would also be the perfect back to school dress in my opinion!

This sweet monogram Collared Shirt would be so cute under a jumper, paired with a skirt or with pants.  

These apple Socks are so cute for the fall.  They'd look adorable with the collared shirt I mentioned and a skirt.

Both Mary-Grace and Benny have this YETI Water Bottle.  It's the best. I love that it keeps their drinks (especially milk) cold all day.  It's easy to clean (dishwasher!) and to carry around.  I plan to get them each an additional bottle.

I got this Pennant for Kindergarten last year and I used it for the first day of school and last day of school pictures.  I plan to get one to use for first grade as well.

Unfortunately masks are the new norm right now.  Mary-Grace has a Snow White mask that was gifted to her and is adorable (if a mask can be adorable?).   I really like how this White face mask has a monogram option so that everyone will know it's hers.  I've seen the idea of putting the mask on a lanyard for kids so they don't lose it or have to set it down if they remove it for minute which I think is so smart.

I got these exact Name Labels for Mary-Grace last year and loved them.  They stuck on everything for the whole year, even after being washed.  I still have some leftover labels for this year to use.  I stuck them to everything- notebooks, water bottles, lunchbox, pencil case, tags on her coats, etc.  

For the past 2 years Mary-Grace has used a set of plastic food containers with snap-on lids that I got from Home Goods to carry her lunch to school.  I really love this Food Container that has great reviews and I think she'd love the fact that it's pink!  I'll plan to get Benny one also so he's not left out.

These Red Kids are just a classic and is such a great color for summer through winter.  They will hold up well on the playground and look cute with almost anything.  They come in other colors and look so cute on both boys and girls.  I got Benny a red pair and I found a blue pair second hand that looks brand new that he can wear next year.  

I bought Benny these alphabet Pajamas when they were on sale last week.  I'm keeping an eye out for when Mary-Grace's size is hopefully restocked.  They love wearing matching pajamas. Even though Mary-Grace has been really into wearing nightgowns I think she'll like these so she can match her brother.  

Pandemic or no pandemic, hand sanitizer is always a must in schools.  I love this Sanitizer Holder that can be hooked to a book bag or lunchbox for easy access and it won't get lost.  

I bought this Lunchbox for Mary-Grace before she started preschool in the light pink color and had it monogramed in navy.  It's held up so well (even through the washer a few times).  It comes in several fun colors and there are dozens of monogram options.  

How sweet are these Memory Page inserts to help remember information from each school year??  It would be such a special gift for your child when they graduate. 

Mary-Grace was gifted this Blue book bag in the bright pink color.  It's just right for her size and is very durable.  It comes in a few other color choices as well and can also be monogramed.

We got these Headphones for her to use in kindergarten last year.  For the price they have worked out well.   I'm sure once we start virtual learning she'll use them even more than she did in class.  I'm thinking of getting Benny the blue ones for him to use to stay busy and quiet while Mary-Grace is involved with her Zoom or Google class meetings.  

Wet/Dry Bag is a must for preschoolers and kindergarteners to store a change of clothes if needed.  It would also work well for older kids who may want to carry around a few things like a hair brush, chapstick, facewipes, etc.  

Another cute mask option is this Seersucker face mask.