We're expecting! We're so excited that Mary-Grace will become a big sister in late Feb/early March. We found out pretty early on that we were pregnant and couldn't believe it! It took a long while to get pregnant and have Mary-Grace (another story for another day) so we were pleasantly surprised when this time it really took no time at all. We trust in God's timing and his plan. Mary-Grace doesn't really understand what's going on but I think she'll be a great big sister. So far I've had some pretty severe nausea and tiredness on a daily basis, but thankfully no vomiting. I've been taking naps when Mary-Grace does in the afternoons and that has helped. We had one scare about 2 weeks ago where I went to the ER with some heavy bleeding but thankfully it stopped and the baby is doing fine. My doctor said there's a small part of the placenta over my cervix and that she thinks part of it bled out. We had a few similar scares when I was pregnant with Mary-Grace too. I just keep praying everyday that it will all be ok and we'll have a healthy baby. I'll post a few updates here and there as we take this exciting journey!